Homeward Orbs

orbs in the night

What Orbs Look Like at 55mph

Driving home from Alpine, Arizona it’s finally dark enough to open the window and take some flash photos hoping for orbs.

orbs in the night

Yucca stalk with Orbs

Now this is fun, trying to synchronize my flash with the yucca stalks I see coming our way.

orbs in the night

Yuccas and the Orbs

orbs in the night

Orb and the Bush

Sometimes you can really perceive the depth of the orb.

orbs in the night

Welcoming Orbs

My neighborhood orbs, we’re almost home, slowing around the hairpin turn.

orbs in the night

Triangle Orb

Home at last. The agave is beginning to bloom. And good old triangle orb is on the upper left as usual.

4 thoughts on “Homeward Orbs

    1. I’ve seen your orb photos swing from totally amazing to hardly any floating by, and then back to jaw dropping wonderful. Which end of the seesaw is up for you now?


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