Photographing Orbs

This is going to be my link for future posts so that the people new to this blog, and those of you who want to refresh your memory, can see what scientists Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D., and Dr. Miceal Ledwith (a theologian with a scientific interest), who co-authored the book, The Orb Project, say about orbs.

Dr. Heinemann, who received his Ph.D. in experimental physics and worked as a materials science researcher at NASA and UCLA, and as a research professor at Stanford University, thinks that orbs are the “emanations of spiritual beings” and he also says that to call them orbs is disrespectful, like calling royalty by their first names. Never mind the titles of his two books, The Orb Project, and Orbs, Their Mission and Messages of Hope (co-written with his wife Gundi Heinemann). His theory that they are emanations is likened to our seeing car lights in the dark, but the lights are not the driver.

In his books Dr. Heinemann presents data that dismisses sceptical views that orbs are simply dust particles or water molecules. He also shows a photo of an orb taken in a “clean room” a lab that is dust free. There is an interesting photo of faked orbs that is very similar to photos I’ve seen on the web where someone sprayed water into the air and called the round drops “orbs”. They make for very pretty pictures, but are too uniform compared to the clouds of orbs you can find just outside your door without all the bother of faking them. Below is a cluster of orbs that I found hovering over a bush this summer, you can see that some are round, some are colored, some are teardrop:

Dr. Miceal Ledwith has a theory that the light we see coming from orbs is due to the camera’s flash stimulating something inside the orb that makes it fluoresce back to the camera. Brilliant sunlight can sometimes have the same effect so that occasionally you’ll get orbs in your non-flash daylight photos.

Dr. Ledwith also speculated that the occasional hexagonal shape is caused by the orb’s fluorescence reaching the camera just as the shutter is beginning to close.

I have noticed that orbs respond to strong stimuli such as a singer who can really belt out a song. They also manifest around performers who are playing with great passion and enthusiasm.

Above is the Andy T Band featuring Nick Nixon who used to be an opera singer.

I encourage everyone to go on a quest for orbs. As Dr. Miceal Ledwith says, you don’t have to suffer the discomfort of looking for them on a cold night in a graveyard, they aren’t ghosts. You can just step outside and start taking flash photographs. If you live in a densely populated city like New York, you might want to go to a park, but you could also very well find them soaring over the streets like I do in downtown Bisbee, Arizona.

Flash photography extends our narrow visual range so that we can now perceive orbs, who were always there, we just needed finer tuned instrumentation to see them.

Thank you to Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D., who took the time to look at this blog, enjoyed the photos and encouraged me to continue my quest for orbs.


31 thoughts on “Photographing Orbs

  1. I’m so glad you visited my blog and are now following it. The 2 orbs in the last picture are the first I’ve seen. I recently took pictures looking up through branches of persimmon tree and captured the energy/spirit of the tree around parts of a few limbs. I saw the energy and the orbs when taking the pictures. I just came in from doing like you suggested and taking flash pictures in a dark sky. And I got orbs of all sizes and intensity. I’m so excited! I’ve learned so much from your blog already … I’m off again to take more pictures. Thanks so much!!


    1. I’m so glad you got the message of my blog: go quest for orbs! Looking forward to seeing your photos of orbs in nature. Most natural! Your land looks like it is a welcome environment for orbs. The rock chair looks like formations we have in northern Arizona.


      1. Wow, this is fascinating. I remember first seeing your posts on orbs. That’s great that Dr. Heinemann could validate and define them. I remember seeing them in one night photograph I took. But I didn’t know they were spirit emanations. Makes sense. I look forward to your next post on them and learning more about them.

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Cheyenne, I have not been able to get out in a long time so no current photography. I would certainly love to see orbs. New York City must be chock full of them but with the bright lights they probably wouldn’t be visible.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The orbs respond to activity, which New York is full of. They also like trees, so pointing your camera up into the leaves with your flash on could reveal orbs. Newer camera sensors act as censors to prevent orbs appearing in photos. I haven’t tried questing with my newest camera since being focused elsewhere anyway. I’ll let you know when I give it a try.

              Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh good, another orb enthusiast! The books are very worthwhile and informative. Dr. Klaus Heinemann has guested a couple of times on this blog because of his desire to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I will often take a photo and it is full of orbs, next photo 2 seconds later has none, so it’s definitely not water or dust on the lens. Thanks for sharing your work. I took a lot of photos on New Year’s Eve on Sydney Harbour and they are just full of orbs. I love them 🙂


    1. Glad to hear from another orb enthusiast. Anytime you would like to guest your orb photos on my blog, please let me know. You would send me a medium size file to with a little description of your photographs, plus your name so that I can credit you. We’ll be seeing orb photos from another guest in my next post.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. ciao! i take photos with my ihone and what you call orbs are often in my photos. in fact, the moon, an ‘orb’ form has a strong pull on my photos. your blog is a luvFIND.


    1. Thank you for visiting and for your appreciative comments. Lucky you that you can get orbs in your iPhone photos. I still haven’t been able to use that camera to find orbs.


    1. Thank you for your comment. The “emanations of spiritual beings” (orbs) come in many colors: blues, pinks, golden, green, browns, etc. sometimes all those colors in a cloud of orbs in the same photo.


  4. I see them in my back yard at night through night vision binoculars. I believe they are living creatures like insects but very different. Has anyone tried to catch them? That is my goal.


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