Poetry Orbs

Tonight at the Bisbee Royale was Palabra Andante, a Poetry Open Mic hosted by Logan Dirtyverbs Phillips, the very energetic poet from Tucson, Arizona you see in the above photo.

Nicole, a dress designer, spoke of wearing her white summer dress after labor day.

Jeri McAndrews railed against media devices.

I am really sorry I didn’t get the photo moment when James Coull spit out the word “Blast!” I’m sure the orbs lit up for that sound.

Ruby spoke of hoop dancers and how much she loved circles. The orbs circled for her.

Did I mention that Logan was a dynamic speaker? The orbs were beside themselves snaking through the air.

Roger was just happy to be above ground (apparently an orb was rather pleased with that also), and had no problem accessing his media device.

Suzi Pretty did not think she was the next Allen Ginsberg but I found her delightfully entertaining and she set an orb glowing as well.

The orbs gathered for Ruby once again.

For those of you who are new to this blog or would like to revisit the explanation as to what orbs are, this might be of help: https://orbsdelight.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/closeup-on-orbs/

15 thoughts on “Poetry Orbs

    1. Okay, find a place the orbs love (I realize I may have a head start on this) and have someone make different sounds to see how the orbs react. I’ll do the same. Maybe tomorrow.


  1. Hi there, Orbs love music, but not all the music and also they where we need to participate, talk, sing, theater and more like that


    1. Yes, I think that is why the Bisbee Royale has so many orbs. Years of choirs and theater and musical performances have made it a rich environment for them. The dark walls are a helpful background to reveal them. So far I haven’t found a good alternative. Other places have white walls or some unknown factor that limits their presence.


      1. Sorry I don’t know your name, yesterday was one of those great days in my life, I got the chance to see a real orb in my house, we left the old camcorder recording during the night just a couple of hours and there they were !!!! not to many but they were moving and then later, at night I decided to stay in my kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and my camcorder and started to talk inviting them and they came soon after that my little one came to the kitchen and we starting to put music, my daughter dancing and with her the orbs, many many I was so happy and after 30 min I decided that was enough time for my daughter and she left the room and I saw one, like a baseball ball probably a little bigger bright solid white flying from ceiling to the opposite wall.


          1. Cheyenne I did I have 30 min of recording last night , now I have the way to get one of those machines that transfer movie from analog tape to digital DVD and then I will be able to post it, but the video from my smart phone does not record them also I have a Flip and same thing. But yess I think so I’m very exited you don’t have idea how many times I was wondering if those videos of people posting orbs in movement were real !!!! Sounds very weird and stupid, but if you talk to them, they will show up. No if I can let me ask you something, Have any other person in the place that you take your pictures with Orbs, have taken pictures with them on it too?


            1. I’m looking forward to seeing your video recording of orbs. Other photographers are getting orbs occassionally, but aren’t seeking them out as intensively as I am at the Bisbee Royale.


  2. Hi Cheyenne now I do have 3 videos up, where do you want me to send the invitation? ( email) they are in my you-tube account, but I want to keep them low profile (not to show them too much)


      1. Saw your videos, wow! That is a lot of activity in your house, fascinating! For those of you who haven’t seen an orb on video before, there is one in the special feature on the DVD We Bought a Zoo starring Matt Damon. In the interview with the animal trainer an orb keeps gliding in and out of frame. Very funny because doesn’t seem like the filmmakers noticed.


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